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Welcome to the website of the Vír Regional Water Supply System (Vírský oblastní vodovod - VOV) corporation. Our corporation, as its name suggests, is the proprietor of the Vír water supply which is one of the main components of the Brno water supply network, along with two water supplies from Březová nad Svitavou. This network supplies quality drinking water to the population of approximately 450 000. The network is fed by groundwater from two water supplies leading from Březová and by surface water from the Vír reservoir which is purified at Švařec water treatment plant.

Construction of the VOV began in 1988, after many years of preparation, as a state investment. In 1994, the project was handed over to the newly created VOV association. Members of the association are towns, municipalities and municipality unions which were to draw water from the water main. Because the construction had to overcome numerous difficulties, mostly related to insufficient funding, the test run of the first part of the water main could only start as late as 2000. The VOV was finished over following years during which 34 localities were connected to it. 31 of these were in South Moravian Region and 3 in Vysočina Region. A great many workers of different professions participated on the construction. This water supply system is currently an important and respected partner to many towns and municipalities, thanks to their good experience and high-quality water it supplies.

Since the water supply connection in the Bosonohy - Moravany section was only finished during 2008 - 2010 period, water was delivered by provisional means in the period from the test run initiation to autumn 2010 when the VOV was completed. Only since October 2010 is the VOV finished along the whole path from Vír through Brno to Těšany, which lies south-east from Brno. The water supply system is being extended to other localities, in line with the overall VOV concept. Presently, construction is underway from Rajhrad all the way to Židlochovice. Construction of other sections will depend primarily on financial means available to the VOV.

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